Our allies - Our customers

The customers, our employers, are our greatest asset.
We create the trust that forms the basis for our long term customer relationship by always being there for the customer. To achieve this level of trust, we provide systems that always work and personal service.

This is what our customers say:

Tommy Nilsson, CEO, Mediaservice i Kristianstad AB:
"Our collaboration partner Samuraj Data AB provides the foremost computer competence that can be found within the industry. Together we constitute a unique spearhead that can offer expert newspaper and magazine knowledge pared with a qualified computer competence."

Jörgen Jonsson, CEO, Imagine Kommunikation AB:
"Samuraj Data are experts in platform independent web technology employing communicative database solutions."


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Quote of the day

Had I not known
that I was dead
I would have mourned
my loss of life.